A relationship beyond Feasible states
Have you witnessed a relationship that could break your heart and still could not be complete? I have.
Right Person But, Wrong Timing or just a relationship that can never be feasible. Do not worry because I am writing about it. I am just narrating a story I witnessed of a close friend of mine. A dreamer at heart who always thought that she would have her fairytale with the person of her choice. But when the heart is bound to break and fate destined to work in a negative direction, one should be prepared for the unexpected.
The story began around four and a half years earlier than when things started taking a bad shape. Let’s give these two people names so we don’t get too entangled in these. We will call the girl Anika and the boy shall be Shubh. Anika was 18 when she met Shubh for the first time and he was 21. A very perfect age gap if we go by numbers. But if we look closely, their experiences differed vastly. While Anika was a sweetheart and a girl who lived in her bubble, Shubh was a realist man. Having seen various people in his life through friends and family, bearing scars of broken relationships, he was a guy with a golden heart. He understood things too well and could catch someone’s thoughts and intentions within minutes of observing them. They met through a gathering at a common friend’s place. Cities were different and so were the exposures. Ages were dissimilar, so she felt like a kid too. And he, like a gentleman, took great care of her. She was very impressed. And honestly, who would not? He was really the stud of his college on whom girls from all faculty had a crush on. And our poor Anika also was flattered.
Phone numbers were exchanged and he liked her too because of her nature. He told her that she could reach him for career advice or other issues. He would help her.
Being a girl, I can relate to her story so much. Because a girl seriously needs someone to just help her at times and listen to her. Shubh was that person. Actually he was not then, but slowly he did become one. It was nothing out of the ordinary or nothing extraordinary from his nature that he was behaving this way. It is a girl’s weak point and Anika just could not stop it.
She started discussing her important stuff with him before entering college because she was not able to confide in someone else. And Shubh, did help her whole heartedly. No matter how bad shape he was in, he stood for her. And she somewhere knew about his state. She would try to help him out by listening to him or asking him to share his things. But Shubh had as if sutured his lips when it came to sharing. And a plain reason he would give would be that he never asked for help from someone, has always solved his problems on his own, and thus he cannot do that.
Anika could not understand it but she was glad to be a small part of his world because he built her, piece by piece. Her college life started off pretty well and she was happy there. A few mistakes of hers that she could avoid by listening to his advice but she slacked off a bit. But during her placements, he helped her a little too much. He took her interviews at random, dropped questions and asked her to frame things out of thin air. It gave her the confidence she was missing. It gave her an air on which she could fly, a confidence that was borne because of him, a belief that got her to believe that she could achieve all that she ever wanted to.
When she finally got a job offer, she thought that she could rest for a while. But he pushed her to work further. And she did. But for the time being, she was at her job. And during her final semester at college, she fell for him. As much as she liked him, she was too afraid to confess and even more to accept the reality that it was not at all possible.
But gathering all her whole courage, she finally thought to confront her feelings. She did not want to keep any regrets. She confessed to him after she got her joining. The office location was different for both. After being at the job for a month, she took the journey one weekend and arranged for a meeting with him. She met him after 4 years, from that first meetup. Shubh was so glad to see her in such a good shape and a fine position. And the cafe where they met was too warm and cosy, she chose it because it was quiet. Fair for a confession like that and she wanted it to be in a good place, no matter acceptance or rejection.
She came early. Wearing a brown shirt, black pants with bellies, she looked so good. Proper office girl, and her half clutched girl added to her beauty effortlessly. She wanted to keep it simple. But she looked great nonetheless. Shubh entered in a white t-shirt and black lower. Extremely normal with a nonchalant attitude. They hugged and talked for a while. Ordered food and she said that she had to say something.
Boom! The bomb was dropped. And Shubh just smiled. He acknowledged her feelings and told her that they would not make a good pair because he cannot. According to him, Anika was a great girl who deserved more than a mess like him, more than a person entangled in his own. She would meet so many people in the future and they would be better for her. He accepted and expressed gratitude but just said that they can be good friends, but expecting anything more would hurt her.
My friend got her heart broken, but she pretty much expected it. She smiled, hugged him for the last time and they left. That was her last meeting with him 4 months ago. She goes to her office, lives well but at times, cries for him like a small kid. I get her completely. They don’t talk much now. And it is a good decision. She is grateful for everything he did for her and still tries to get a hold of her emotions or just get a look at him at times. But I just want her to suppress these slowly and slowly. She matters and Shubh would hate to see her waste herself. I love the kindness of this guy and the kind of man he is. He became her wings and has no problem at all with her flying high without asking for any credit. And I respect Anika’s feelings with all my heart.
But what a classic example of Right Person but Wrong timing. Or just a Right Person, No match moment. I listen to their bits and my heart feels so great and void at the same time, so full and so broken simultaneously. I just cannot tell her anything because it is important to be with her. She will be good on her own, I believe. And I will be with her, at all times. As a shoulder to lean on, as a listener to her, as a friend, as a confidant, and as a hug that shall keep her warm and protected.
That shall be for today. We can always connect to talk, share things or just rant to each other. You can share your stories and we can connect to discuss them or if you need a shoulder. Here are my social handles:
Gmail- soovlogss@gmail.com
Instagram- https://instagram.com/so_recites_
Until next time, Signing off,