Amidst a fierce game of Basketball where two teams clash against each other to score and defeat, it could get too aggressive and too dirty. As a basketball player myself, witnessing the dirty tactics comes across as a shame and disrespect to the game. Playing fair is the best way but this is often disregarded when the players lack sportsmanship and go to any extent to call upon a victory. The games are played for the sake of learning things and rejoicing. But when all of it goes down the drain owing to sheer jealousy and lack of sportsmanship, my heart breaks. I have played matches with many people and it never gets beyond the ground. Outside the court, we are individuals who share a rapport. And in the field, we are warriors of two rivals. But I guess that is what is really important, to play, to battle, to win and to lose. What does sports actually teach you is a load of discipline and endurance and persistence. And if you pack it all in your bag of memoirs, you get good physical strength, new ways to think, understand opinions, learn team play, strategize better and develop yourself holistically. But it also happens that all these are forgotten when we get blinded, blinded to our faults, knowing that we are mistaken,yet we choose to shout, as if it makes us correct. Games are about losing and winning, and acknowledging them gracefully. What does it all matter if we leave behind the curtain of this modesty and run like madmen after the wins that are not even duly ours.
My team had a match today. And we even played yesterday against another team. Yesterday’s match was a win for us. My team fell on the ground, got their trousers torn, received the hit of the ball on the face, bruised their knees, and a lot more. The same happened with the opponent team as well. But the game was not ruled out. It was just paused for replacement and break. But today the scene was repeated but its consequences and the incidents that followed were different. A girl tripped after getting tangled with my leg and she called for disqualification. I just had a plain question, why.Because it is not the first time somebody fell and definitely this does not happen. Had my team started calling out, I do not know what they would have done. We kept quiet or just stated our concerns. But the way they put their points, it was a direct assault with no arguments. I don’t understand why they were triggered so much, but the main truth lies that raising your voice does not mean you are right. Anyone can come and abuse but who has the ability to own it? People can shout their hearts but who actually says the ultimate truth?
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