The most weird relation in the whole world is the one kids have with their fathers. It might go on having variants but deep down they are similar in their nature. The mask that gets worn mostly is the one of respect and thus it conceals the love beneath it. We, as kids often express ourselves and we are taught to do so too. But as it is generally seen, this situation does not work well with Dads. They somehow get the tag of being the man of the house and we get fearful of them, so much that our entire lives can be reeled in our minds when we think about where we could have gone wrong to anger him.
I love my Papa,but this love has somehow got mixed with my respect for him and fear of him, that they are a little subdued. There was even a time when I was of the belief that I might have more respect in my heart than love for him. It took me a few years to differentiate well and figure out that there was a difference and my feelings are in no way diminished or unaccounted. They have just been a little suppressed owing to the fearful images we have portrayed of our lovely fathers in our hearts and heads since childhood. Of course they are to be blamed too. Why not well? Didn’t we make our mothers the advocate who would pass on our arguments to him when we could directly talk to him? Didn’t we not tell them our feelings when we were leaving for somewhere? Didn’t we go away without giving them a hug the way we did to Moms? It might be tough or it might take a little more courage I believe. But the bond we have craved is also something our fathers might miss. He never got to be expressive so we could just have taken a step ahead. It is possible that he doesn’t want this, this is the thing that is mostly justified as he never got to feel it,so it’s like it does not exist for him. But what if the new feelings might have just bloomed well after our step taken in his direction and he might have accepted and acknowledged it whole-heartedlty.
Our fathers have worked all their lives to grant us a life where we can fulfill all our dreams while also keeping a check on us by giving reality checks. It is this man we owe a part of our life to. He is not afraid of our dreams, he is just a little scared of the funny events life pulls. He is just too concerned about our fragile beings that he dreads it being broken. Thus if you and I can come together and hug him deep to ask them to walk the roads with us we wish to take, I am sure he will believe.
I live in a hostel now and everytime I leave for it, a part of me lingers behind, a part that wishes to stay with my parents back and a part that is in constant conflict with it to achieve my dreams and come back as a successful daughter to my proud parents. But then, now I have a way of fighting my emotions too. I wish my Mom and when I get a chance I hug my Dad so whatever is inside me for him, gets a chance to flow too. These feelings can overwhelm me at a time and can burst me too. So I guess it’s better if it is shared. What better than a love that is known and acknowledged and felt? What better than knowing that it is there to hold on to you and I? And what better than being completely aware that this love is healing in nature. Things can have nurturing effects, even on things that are not broken.
So make it up to your superhero and let them know how much you admire them. Actions speak louder. So if you cannot voice it, just prove it.
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Until next time!
Signing off