Read somewhere, “Try hugging your father today.” And for a moment I paused. I was like what. But for some time, I have started hugging him when I get a chance although it is not the one you would call a tight and deep hug.
But for someone who has just talked to his father and has never expressed the emotions, even this is an achievement. Mother Nature tends to push fathers away from children since their birth and this gives the mothers an extra chance of befriending them besides being acquired with their fooding duties and getting a chance of being closer. And this gap that only increases further leads to the father having an emotional battle that their love is not reciprocated well and the child does not love them. The small gap that starts at a tender age begins to look like a lot of drifts later on because the connection goes missing. It is the attention that even father’s crave from their kids but they cannot hold them accountable. So they just move ahead with being the man of the house who everyone is fearful of. The world that makes us stronger is the one our Dads face each day for us. And he for sure deserves every ounce of care and admiration for dealing with it. The lost touch of father that a child wants is also what the father wishes. Though these feelings go unregistered because no one taught them to express this bond. No one told them that they could turn over a new leaf. Of course it is not easy but kudos to the ones who are bold enough to recognise this and ask for it. Kudos to the fathers who have not backed down from the competition of being their kid’s favourite. And cheers to the children who have nagged their fathers with full rights. It’s time we celebrate all these. And it’s a great time to know that the division of work is actually the best way out.
So shall we give it a try to hug our fathers? Well he is our Dad,surely he won’t beat us. Let’s go hug him.😊
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Until next time!
Signing off