How long does it take to be close friends? How close can friends be? Can they tell each other their secrets and consider it a sealed bond? Or can they be their true selves and make the most out of their moments? How are they found? How are they judged and accepted? Or how do they just get deserted? Or how do they turn into strangers? Or how do they leave behind the footprints on the sand to be washed by the waters?
Asking these questions to oneself, we realise that the bonds we make over the years are the relationships and acquaintances we form. Some stay for shorter duration than we can imagine and some stay longer than life itself. While it gets impossible to pass on a judgement about all these variations and constants, one thing is evidently useful to keep in mind. Live in the Moment. The phrase that is used more times than its actual implementation, is this. People have come to know about a few cool words and phrases and they think using them makes them better.
Friendships fall in different layers. While some become casual bonds, others stay strong. While some become formal, others develop into close ones. While some become extremely important to us, some just lie down in the grave down the memory lane. The bonds and relationships formed either bloom gracefully or wither away and decay down. The bonds formed with people are different and have layers that peel themselves one by one. And the ones who stay in this together after skinning away all the layers of each other are what we finally call the true friends. The ship of this bond that sailed through all the hardships and changes is the one that deserves all the respect. Because trust takes years to build. And trust requires one to rely on someone else in matters that concern them. As humans, we require to share and be free of our baggage. But the kind of trust we need to have to share our inner stories is huge and it does not happen in one day. It takes a long time before You get connected to a certain someone and share the parts that hurt you. Because trust and beliefs are broken quite easily. Because revealing the inner self and scars work against. Because mind games are too prominent. Because finding gems in a hay sack is a tiring job. Integrity is not usually found. It is a diamond trait and people do not follow them nowadays. Staying calm and composed in all the negatives is not everyone’s cup of tea. And maintaining integrity of character and honesty in personality is an achievement, not in everyone’s domain. So the next time you call someone your friend, just be in the moment. Do not think of a prolonged relationship with them. Do not think of how beautiful the next meeting will be. Because things and people that have to stay will stay no matter what. And they shall also leave no matter your efforts. People are good, and no person is wrong. The timing maybe. The circumstance maybe. The perspectives maybe. Therefore, let’s step ahead from the matters of rights and wrongs and just make friends first. If they become a part of close friends, well and good, otherwise a memory for sure.
Hi, this is So from
Until next time!
Signing off