How do you fight depression? Submit or Take hold
In the modern world where depression has become a common happening, it is important that we fight the monster within. No one can be a better friend than our own self

Ever felt lost? Or are you already in the middle of feeling? Well, as someone who has battled depression and faced a hell of trouble herself, I know how it feels. I know the chills that run down the spine. And the way we hide ourselves behind those broad smiles and hearty laughters. It is easier to pretend to forget the situations and laugh in the moment when we get the chance. Because otherwise, the world already seems suppressing when we are alone. The small jiffies that we get at random bring a smile and we tend to forget things for a while. And then people ask why we laugh so much.
Now who would tell them that we are in a battlefield and are quite stuck in a spiral. Waking up, getting ready, having meals, attending work, meeting people, sometimes laughing, coming back, and sleeping. And in all this, constantly overthinking about the issues and problems. The release that we experience is during laughter sessions, which even fades once we reach the deeper levels of depression.
Constantly facing the world and with no closure to acceptance is another deal of torture. The amount of pain we experience from our own thoughts is traumatizing. A quote said, The biggest weights are the ones we carry in our own heads. And I cannot agree more. The bad decisions or mistakes in life lead us to corners of life where we are battered and sit defeated. The world has never been kind too. It deepens the normal cuts and slits the shred of hopes. It binds one into shackles and pierces the shards. Causing pain to others is a kind of enjoyment the world thoroughly watches and relieves their own set of battles. People need exposure and closure. And they think exposure to the same or different kind of pain can be wielded against someone to bring them low. Because closure is expensive, it can not really be found in the dumping grounds.
But beyond all this, beyond all the rights and wrongs, beyond all the whites and blacks, beyond all the truth and lies, beyond all the light and dark, there are the true layers of things. We have perspectives, we have grays, we have realities, we have hope. The thoughts going on in our heads are our own creation. And they have the immense power to construct or destroy us. It is a journey of ifs and buts filled with doubts, insecurities and weakness. But sometimes, one has to look beyond. One has to take the leap of faith. You and I have to take that risk. Because we have nothing to lose, but everything to win. And nobody cares how you were in the past. Everyone loves the final phase, the polished stage. So, let’s join hands with ourselves. Let’s fight the demons within. Let’s go take the job we have been overthinking about. Let’s do the plan we have been contemplating about. Let’s finish the work we have been ignoring around us. It will take time, but the puzzle will complete itself. Life will take us to the destination. All we need is to follow its tunes.
From a warrior to another,
Until next time!
Signing off