Hang on, Let me overthink This and Destroy it too.
How long have you been in the overthinking business? Or you do it so often that now it has become a part of you, so close that you can’t be without it. Overthinkers are natural imaginators and their creativity knows no bounds. The reason they do it is to escape the real room they live in and find an escape route. The road that takes one away to the dreamy world is surely beautiful but let’s look at the odds of them turning to a true picture in the real and come out of their thoughts.
The price paid is a huge amount of time which is purely wasted. Overthinking may do good when analyzing situations and finding solutions but how often one does actually work on the problems. We are all exceptionally good runners. I am no exception. We all run from places that haunt us, memories that pinch us, situations that fear us and people who intimidate us. To protect oneself can never be wrong and It is good that you saved yourselves. But think about it a bit. Are we not delaying the lessons that life is dropping in front of us? Are we not dodging off the barriers that are meant to make our jump higher? Are we not avoiding the small versions of problems to tackle their complex ones later?
Well life comes in phases to all of us. With all the lessons that cross our paths, some are taken while others are turned down. It may provide one with the great pursuits or devastating approaches at the wrong time but isn’t it a bit of our role to turn the tide.
We are humans. We have been given the ability to think and analyze the predicaments so that we can change the consequences. The right person, wrong timing is a true deal and one of the prominent messages life gives us. It tells us that no matter how true we stay or how hard we hold, some things can never work in our favour. Things need time to heal and time is the healer. But more lies beneath. It is these situations that prepare us for the battles ahead. And if we were to ignore all of this and run far away, what would it bring to us later on or what will we bring upon in later stages of life.
Overthinking has been a proven way of our minds being active for self protection but all it brings with itself is anxiety, depression and sleeplessness. The terms may vary but it creates a lot more problems deep than what is visible superficially. A detailed study on the cons of this is presented here https://www.berkeleywellbeing.com/overthinking.html
While we think it can let us think about the negatives and help us to get to positives, it is not very true. It takes away the mindful lens and focuses on all sorts of draining thoughts. These decline the energy and show us worse ways of what could be. Instead one should try relaxing their head and being calm. Meditation helps with these but the main ingredient lies in our action. When one tries to get above the situation they are stuck at, they understand the true meanings and start working towards their goals actually. And then only these concepts of thought and choice matter. Because overthinking in plain terms means, To have repetitive thoughts on something that are unproductive. And let’s accept it, Life is not Bar Bar Dekho movie where we can snap in and out of all the timeline and fix it well. Either the thinking may not be quick enough to watch your whole life in one night or things may really not be thought of in a day. The ways to cope up with these lies here
https://www.forbes.com/health/mind/what-causes-overthinking-and-6-ways-to-stop/. All I am saying is, Come out of the dreamland. Reality may hurt you but it shall not shatter you the way your broken dreams can feel. Overthinking is not a solution. It is an issue that needs to be handled with care. Because at the end of the day, it is your brain that has become its home. Be nice to your guests till they do not step out of your home.
For more queries or help or suggestions or critics, do reach at soovlogss@gmail.com
Until next time!
Signing off