While the series started around 2 decade earlier, I had recently started watching it so as to understand the human imagination that created such a great piece of art. And hands down, the storyline is damn great with the punch lines dropped here and there, teaching the valuables of life itself.
The Sorting Hat was one of the best when it added Harry to the Gryffindor House even after finding similarities in him to the Slytherin House. Because life is not about skills and capabilities but it is about the choices we make. And the long story of 8 movies cut short is the power love holds, between mother and son, between teacher and student, between platonic friends, between family like friends, and between one sided lover and his unrequited love. Honestly the genre it follows is a complete touch of fantasy but the storyline is gripping, so much that it gets you the real feels. And you actually wish to find a 9 and ¾ subway that could carry you away to The School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Reality depressed one and that’s why he thinks of wandering places. And that is also one of the reasons why this brilliant storyline got a place among a huge section. This plays to be an escape mechanism and gives one the moment of joy and pure bliss. When the connection is lost with the outer world,and we place a link to ourselves, our deep corners, the true nature of our desires are out. What we really wish for and what we really expect our life to be. But Oh Darling, Hogwarts is not real and There happens to be no known world of such sort. In reality, it is hard finding Dumbledore and Sirius. Though Peter Pettgrew can be easily spotted, finding Hermione and Ronaldo is the real deal. Being invincible through a tool is a great feat but to become corrupted by the same is another fear in the spiral. In the face of power, Everyone runs but it takes courage to stand up to what is meant of you. Following the path of truth is tricky because it takes away your lot as a means of sacrifice but to be weakened by them only when you knew all along of such a possibility. Shame! It’s a shame on the entire being for not standing up, for not voicing out, for giving up. Courage is the lover of true spirit. And it is these moments of sheer bravery that make us humane. It is these crucial periods that does not differentiate muggles and wizards.
Because what would succumbing to somebody else’s power do good?
Because what would living in the fear of dying bring you? Isn’t it better to die for a decent cause?
Isn’t is better if we just embrace ourselves?
Reach out to me at soovlogss@gmail.com
Until next time!
Signing off