What’s the most dramatic thing you will experience in your life? Your answers may vary and on different scales point to things entirely dissimilar in the universe. But lend me your attention as I bring to you the best of troubles disguised as blessings.
What is Love Marriage first of all? The wedding where the bride and the groom choose their partners,as in they have known each other since earlier and have decided on somebody to be their partner. Now introduce this in a Brown Family in India. The first honest reaction is disappointment,as if murdering someone would have still been better than this. Then the question is religion and caste.For an instance,a similarity may be considered but still not accepted and acknowledged well. But on account of inter-caste or inter-religion partners,the results are catastrophic,similar to a tsunami at home.
Now you may think what the issue is in this? So let me insinuate a term called Societal Respect and Dignity.Brown families have separate communities associated with their religion and an inner circle besides that too comprising people of same caste and region.And now the mere thought of having a daughter-in-law or son-in-law from a different belief is traumatising to them as well as a symbol of rebellion. Somehow it is not easily understood and accepted by the elders that their kids can find a suitable partner on their own. This boils down to age-old traditions of parents and relatives finding the perfect matches. The results have been good too.I mean when there are less options nearing to zero,even one is enough.But how should the present generation make them understand that they have found their love,their interest in a person with whom they can share their life ahead.
Times have changed and so have the people.The definition of marriage,happiness and partner has also undergone a transition.We now think as individuals too before thinking about family planning.We want our partners to support us in all ways and not the way it used to be.
And as the times are changing,so should people start making a shift to the other side and embrace the changes. Change is the only constant and we must not forget to give it its rightful place.
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