The script writing session for any event is a whole tiring journey. And when the intervention party is too much to bear with and likes to poke their nose in every other minor detail, it becomes a mental trouble. While I stand in the content committee of my college (well that is also one of the reasons why I write blogs this much), Sometimes it becomes too much to handle. Preparing the list, choosing the anchors or the masters of the ceremony,coordinating with the event committee, checking for the correction in the mails and invites, maintaining the standards, organising practising sessions of anchors, writing the script and then also bear with the last minute changes that are sure shot thing. The problem is that though the people have practised with their heart and soul, the end moment changes either because of the chief guest or the wishes of higher authorities breaks them. It kills me and my team’s whole spirits when we are called to the chambers to update on the changes but to keep going is the only option.
The only revolt that I am able to show are the minor squeaks or faces that are automatically made on the creases of my face and even that irritates my faculties. Now I fail to understand this. Am I not allowed to express my problem? I never said no to work. All I asked for was proper and detailed final information. Because sitting there in the cabins is suffocating in its own fashion. The well informed and binded draft takes not more than half an hour. But it takes people one and a half hours at least. They do not realise the importance of time I guess. And even if they do, all they care for is their time and formalities. Wastage of time and its lectures are given by anyone and everyone. But how am I supposed to put up with this everyday torture?
I am asked to design an event, then prepare its budget. And once submitted, it yields zero money. And I am asked to still launch the events without disclosing the prizes. Are they not concerned about their image now? Well, I guess this is diplomacy at its peak. No wonder all things get a great head start and end up being just another average Joe. Not picking against anyone but yes, surely sharing an opinion.
And now I have got this huge detest for the people in authority. I mean, what a serious abuse of power and talent. I am legit shocked and I just hope I don’t fall in this circle, ever. Because I don’t want someone else to write a frustrating post for me. Although I would be really glad if I inspired somebody to do good and actually frame something great keeping me in their minds.
Reach out to me for complaints, critics, praises or suggestions at soovlogss@gmail.com
Until next time!
Signing off