The concept of broken people seems to have gotten more attention in recent years and people earlier did not even realise when they were suffering from loneliness or having something broken inside. The concept of pursuit of self-happiness is a new term along with the healing we need. And now that we focus on how important it is to prioritise oneself, we realise the change in the normal course of our life. The daily motivation and the zeal of being alive is important so that we do not miss out on things while we can enjoy ourselves. The amount of regrets one has while they lie on their deathbed is way too many and if given time and chance and the recurring error, why should it just not be mended?
Do you realise how significant it is to live a blissful and calm life? The storms that are harboured within take a tsunami formation while they were just a wind at the start. And in all this routine and everyday schedule, one forgets what their wish was. They tend to adjust themselves so well and before they realise it, they adapt so well that they forget all about it, though the hollowness stays, the unknown pain hurts. It aches deep within but is so suppressed within the confinements of societal barriers and responsibilities that it is just a town that’s deserted. No one takes that route they unconsciously left but subconsciously feel its need on a regular basis. And thus they can not even point to it, and what happens when one doesn’t know the reasons. Well, it is just believed that there is an issue because no one seems to be having a problem at all with this predicament. A little piece of detail, the more you want to know, the more others get jealous and pull you back. And the more you let it go, the more you push yourself to the unwanted dark. And before you feel where the loophole was, it is time already sorted for regrets as you wait for the final ascent. The journey is surely a mix and match of all the feelings in the world while we are alive on Earth, and one day we are surely gonna die. But what does a life mean if it has to be counted as a regretful and unhappy journey. These moments of distress when you crave for some enlightenment are the moments you want liberation. Freedom from the shackles that have bound you, a flight from the life you were entitled to, a flexibility to pursue their heart when they wished to. Life is not always beautiful who seem to be in a fine space. Because sometimes it takes a lot to understand that the usual routine that we are so comfortable with is the one we also despise in our hearts. The pressure to make things work and the will to have the family protected gets you to do what not. And it just cannot be imagined how deep all this runs. The cycle breaks only when it is met with someone who resembles their old self or brings out their old self. It is not until we see a puzzle that we feel the urge to solve it. You see the thing is, Our puzzle pieces were taken away and it was said that we are complete in the way we are. Thus we never thought of breaking it bit by bit. It was a complete picture for us,for Agnes until that moment when she encountered Robert and he showed her a new version through his lens which she loved too. It was him who said,” Life is messy. It doesn’t make any goddamn sense. Sorry to break the news to you. Life’s just random. Everything’s random. My success, you here now. There’s nothing we can do to control anything. But when you complete a puzzle, when you finish it, you know that you have made all the right choices. No matter how many wrong pieces you tried to fit into a wrong place, but at the very end, everything makes one perfect picture. What other pursuits can give you that kind of perfection? Faith? Ambition? Wealth? Love? No. Not even love can do that, Mata. Not completely.”
Let’s try to live then. Let’s try to breathe. Everything is temporary. You and I on this planet too.
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Until next time!
Signing off