My mother is a Goddess. And Mind you, I am not lying about this. She is a living example of all the daily soap’s perfect daughter in-law, diligent wife, heartfelt mother, respected woman and all the jazz and buzz that may be possible.
To be honest it’s a good thing that she is so close to the realm of something that is accepted as what women should be like. But in the validation from society, a woman forgets that she has to validate herself too, that she has to be happy too.
And it all goes unnoticed by all, because obviously, She is a Woman, She is born for this, She is brought up like this, and She will die one day with this.
But let me tell you a secret that is buried deep down a woman’s heart, basically engrained and craved by her soul. She wants her soul to be free, not after death to enter some new body, but while she is alive. She wishes her scars to be accepted the same way her glories are counted. She wishes she gets the same treatment despite having flaws as her husband because A Man is a Human and so is a Woman. She is not divine just because she is blessed with the power of giving birth. She is a person who has the right to live a peaceful life and she has all the right to follow a path that makes her heart glad.
Mothers who sacrifice their dreams and lives for their family are truths and not stories. They need to be applauded well for this. They must live with their heads high. They must never be shamed upon for not having something that she let go just because of her love for her people. And if her inherents do not cheer her and love her for who she is,they are just proving that love can create blunders in lives,that choosing family over individuality is an error. An error that she cannot rectify,a mistake that has probably passed the damage control state,a fault that is caused not by stars but by her affection.
Honestly or Brutally put,The amount of inflicts and the bruises on her heart and soul defy her to open herself and undo the doors to fight the battles again to regain her foothold. She is cornered so much that she gets to pick up her arms so that she gets what she rightfully deserves. A child gives birth to a mother in a woman but no one should ever forget that it is the woman who begets the child. The child,whom the world gleefully mentions a blessing in life.
Signing off