And another outstanding match was waiting in the court today. It takes a great deal to have sportsmanship and I agree that I don’t have it much better. But atleast I am true and that gives me all the courage needed to stand upright in my own eyes. Players and games. Who chooses what? Well, whatever be, the constant is that the ground we play upon sees everything. From aggression to calmness, team spirit to solo heads, active participation to substitution, from fouls to frails and from rights to wrongs. What goes around may come around too. I really don’t believe in all these idioms to be true. Because attitude, discipline, hard work, consistency, goodness, these all work in sync. At Least for me they do. Well anyways,Back to the ground where we played again because the last day’s match was stopped midway. We were dead tired from yesterday’s schedule and had to play it even today. From the start. We tried to make it resume but I guess it was not in our fate. But I think it was a good game. Our team lost by 1 point but the cheers that we heard from our batchmates was a damn good moment. It is in these moments that we feel pure bliss. Normally no one stands with one another but situations like this call for unity. We have played earlier too and normal cheering for our supported team and aggressive cheering for others is also done. It gets tough to understand though why people play to make someone feel low, why be mean when you can just embrace sportsmanship and shake it all off. Things have taken a weird turn and now I honestly don’t want to think about the rights and wrongs. We have made fouls, experienced fouls. And what matters now is just that it’s over for now. Finals are in a few days. And I am preparing myself,mentally for all things that can go on from now on. Winning against anyone is a great achievement but losing takes a strong deal to own up to it with grace. And I have that. I have had that when I lost earlier because Acknowledging and Accepting things make it easier. Because at the end of the day, these battles are not going to matter. These people are not going to matter, and neither will it bother me or anyone else after a few days. But I am afraid this grace is not going to last in me well. It will because my heart cannot be changed but it will have consequences too. It will change a part of my behaviour towards them because All I got from them was disrespect, open abuse, foul play, match fixtures, uneven coordination, ill behaviour, and poor communication.
It is a game but the way they have pulled off their grudges on the court is commendable. Or I should say that the way they have concealed their fouls under frails is plausible. But I guess I am fine. We gave them a tough fight and we are glad. We did not play wrong and we stand upright, with our smiles and tears, of being true and judged bad, of being honest and scolded hard, of being a sport and stood unsupported, of being correct and deemed insignificant. We have played well and our hearts know it. And we don’t care about anything else. The world doesn’t need to know.
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Until next time!
Signing off