Riding High on emotions? Feeling extremely low? Is it love? No, this is just your and mine random story on bleeding uterus. The story that is getting narrated here is, I am sure you must have already guessed it, the constant nudging problem in girls, Periods. And no, I am not in my ranting session in the middle of the night. I am just expressing what might already be a known fact among a major chunk but what still needs to be heard to be aware of their existence.
Being in pain for a continuous 4–5 days with a churning stomach at any time of the day, sitting at a weird position all the while, and constantly being in a state of emotional turmoil of highs and lows, it is a pain on the soul. I have had my share of experiences and they are pretty weird. In the initial days when I was small and was a new customer to this monthly unwanted service, I had no pain. But then while growing up, after around two years, I started having cramps. And these only increased later on. Now, I am in my early twenties,experimenting with different solutions to this constant illness. Drinking more water has proved to be beneficial but still it has not cured me of the pelvic pain. My mother has had an amazing experience at this with no trace of pelvic pain or mood swings in her over 25 years of bleeding. And she is pleasantly surprised how this part of her DNA was not transferred to me. Or maybe because acknowledging these was not a thing in their time, so it probably went unnoticed. Whatever be, I am in a state of torture for a total of 3 days in a month. But I am glad my mother gets me and understands it. She, although believes I should not give it a piece of my head and It does not bother me when I am really into work, it bothers me sometimes when I just sulk around, doing nothing. Because there are days when I just feel like I should be sitting down, lazing around.
Well let’s get some basic facts checked. Passing blood for 4–5 days straight every month is not an easy task. So summing it up in a year to approx 60 days on average. That’s two months goddamn it. Now imagine living for 60 years. And let’s suppose you had your menarche at age 15. And had the menopause at 45. So the woman experienced this for straight 30 years. Which by calculation of bleeding for 2 months in a year, amounts to 60 months. This is 5 years of their life. And let me get this correct. The data taken has not taken any constraints. It does not have a tolerance factor. These are kind of straight for general understanding. But if you go by real dimensions, the results are mind boggling. Because they amount to 8–10 years. And it’s just not bearable when you see the numbers. Rachel Green was right when she said,”No uterus,No opinion”. Because it cannot be known to someone outside the skin what is going on inside.
I get it that it bears life and is the most important thing which brings a new life out of itself, it is a mystery to the victim. She understands it and accepts it too. What she really wants is a bit of consideration and sympathy when she undergoes this. (She wants empathy too but no one can do that, especially other gender, so let’s let that be for a moment.) She wants someone to just let her relax and be calm and that no one should get onto her for being different those days. She just wants some good food, a happy chilling time, stress-free moments and some off-pressure time. This particular cycle where hormones are in an actual high state cannot be curbed but by taking good care of oneself, women can relieve a part of their problems. They can take rest and in doing so, they protect their internal energy and keep their body and mind in good health. So the next time you meet someone on periods, please make sure you don’t sue her. Give her some time, she will get back to her high energised spirit in a day or two, but for now, just let her go sulk or just do meow meow if that’s what she wants.
Reach out to me at soovlogss@gmail.com
Until next time!
Signing off