I am a little unlucky in love. Not platonically, so it is not a loss. I am one of the richest in the matter there. When someone cares for the others so much without expectations or hopes, it develops into a beautiful picture and stays the same lifelong. Romantically involved relationships often have only one way of movement. How frequent have we seen exes being friends or being in the same vibe as friends earlier? I don’t think a lot of times. Extra mature and understanding people can pull this off easily but otherwise, it is not happening. And in platonic bonds, the understanding and sensibility stays because it does not require any validation. And the most beautiful part is its zero level hopes and hundred level acceptance. Exceptions are there but cherishing them is the new beginning to a healthy and stable bonding. People are different. Built and wired differently, understand and recognize differently, act and react differently too. But doesn’t this make it all the way more interesting? Not in a way of exploring and trial and test but in the way of meeting new humans and making connections and giving or taking rejections.
Platonic relationships are not built every other day. It takes time to find the soulmates who can understand us and we can bare our soul to them. They are the ones who get us and support us. A mutual love for something can pull two individuals together and stabilise their relationship. This can or cannot develop into a romantic state but it can develop into a platonic bond when someone is deeply interested and is not bound to any expectations from the other. Sometimes, all we need is a confidante whom we can confide in. Sometimes, all we need is a listener who can just listen to the rant. Sometimes, all we need is a friend whose shoulder we can cry on. It is not physical intimacy that gives peace to people at the end. It is the closure that feels confident. It is the shelter that feels safe. It is the home that feels welcoming.
Oftentimes when we see the world and we think about how unlucky we have been, we just think about romance. Well, it does bring joy but being driven by it solely cannot and should not be happening. We have a beautiful life. Let’s not deprive ourselves of all the goodness that persists here after being denied one. We may have beautiful people to cherish in our lives in the form of parents, friends, cousins,etcetera. Life is beauty in itself. You and I are wonderful. Let’s break these shackles that bind us to false notions and stop us from accepting and acknowledging things. Let’s take a step ahead in the direction where the heart finds its calling. And let’s take a pause and change directions from where the heart feels it doesn’t belong.
Resources on Platonic Bonds: https://psychcentral.com/relationships/platonic-relationship
Until next time!
Signing off