While the world surprises us with each new downgrade they achieve in humanity, it is not lost completely. A random stranger walks up to you and asks if you are hurt and helps you after an accident is an angel. Someone walks up to you and helps you pass the road or get on an escalator, someone who asks about your day, all these are blessings. But blessings are not very common that you and I can register everyday. It requires sympathy, courage, empathy to be a good human and more importantly, it needs humanity to be humane. The contrasting numbers of actual things and their pretentiousness are huge and it is a task of reckoning to distinguish them. The faces that carry these acts of innocence are diluted with malice and practise these vices.
It amazes me how it is all a facade underneath. The times we show humanity and care are more or less the times when we pose for a camera, the times when we need social validation. It is these moments that lead others to think good about us, and we, well we do not care in reality. The hands that we consider dirty after helping are sanitised and the photos that have been clicked are already going to get viral. The amount of hypocrisy that is currently hanging in the world is beyond anyone and it only gets worse day by day. We find people and start to think that they are good and genuine, only to realise some more time later that their genuine colours are but a visage concealed with those artificial shades. The natural colours are kept hidden under makeup so that the world is fooled and the profits and gain keep on multiplying. After all, the status and image it provides is still unbeatable. The number of times higher class society has taken benefits exceeds the number of lower class society. And the fact is higher class people need these lower class people to keep up with their saint perspective. After all, what good a poor person has to do anyway rather than whitewashing the bigger homes and whitewashing the images of people living in them in public.
Times are changing, but it is a long way. Society is in the shape of a pyramid, and it is this shape that provides stability for sure. But a peaceful co-existence is necessary. Exploitation is an evil. And it must be eradicated. Feelings of sympathy can be genuine and helpful hands can actually be beautiful. We need to stop weighing things on the scale of class and stature. Some things are beyond these too and uplifting one another without failing others can be true. It just needs to be acknowledged first and can be implemented soon too. The road is long but the path exists. And we can walk it too.
Until next time!
Signing off