It was 22nd January 2024 yesterday.And the whole world knew about the occasion,the auspicious ceremony. The belief systems have always been questioned but the prominent question is,Why always Hinduism?Why are religions targeted at all?
We believe in the Divine, but we choose to not look at the important underlying factors.
We place our faith in the supreme position and discard others’ feelings.
And as we teach the students in school about being compassionate,understanding and forgiving, these hardcore values tend to make a shift as we grow up. Maybe that’s why No one studies the subject of Moral Science because deep down, Even the teacher taking the class knows that neither he is the right person to teach,nor is the book going to bring an outcome in society.
The devotees had long been fighting for the temple of Ayodhya and it is the pain and grief of 500 years that makes it a victory worth celebrating in full harmony. But how do we believe that this unity is going to prevail,for how long will people rejoice in this glory of victory.
Emerging triumphant in this battle gives us a moment to thank all our ancestors who had fought for it and people who were still battling. The whole nation walking as one is a symbol of power and growth. It shows that people are happy about how things have come out and they are equally happy for their brothers of different faith to have finally achieved conquest in this. This does summarize itself to Humanity being the base of all births and deaths. This does boil down to standing with our head held high and celebrating the win. In a place where no religion has an upper hand owing to their belief systems,where we live our own lives and celebrate Holi,Diwali,Eid,Gurpurab,Christmas together,it is proof that we are sensible and well-balanced.
The disruption or the chaos in the lake of conjoint living starts as a political tension breaks out and indirectly affects people. Influencing people has a lot to do with their life habits and the basic facilities that are denied which they are entitled to. Rivalry and rebellion is in human blood but only when it brings them good.Thus,the focus should be to make a sphere of goodness and carve a society that respects humans.And If we go on in our lives well with lesser interference and non-denial of human rights,perhaps we shall live together,simultaneously and peacefully.
Signing off