Being a student at an institute where all you get is nosy professors and narrow-minded authorities,it sucks to feel that life at college is worse than it could ever be in school even after the punishments.College is actually an interesting place to begin with.Knowing all the different people,learning about various cultures,taking responsibilities of certain events,learning to manage them all,Living off alone,Majoring in life surviving skills,Tackling snakes and dogs,All this are actually learnt in college only.Now to add a flavor to this,sometimes we get professors as hell as witch,deans as poisonous as Nerium Oleander, batchmates as idiot as fucked up, environment as unhealthy as high AQI,people as two faced as Greek God Janus and all different unbelievable stories.
Those who tell you that college life is the best and all that jazz,Fall into the trap with an illusion but be sure to break it too with each new lesson. We have one life and the experiences we may encounter are millions and zillions.So be prepared for any situation no matter what and yes,Take notes from other’s lives too.You never know when the tsunami may change its course towards you.
The good thing is majoring in survival skills.I mean ask a college student about their delicious menu and the things they eat,how they can walk all around morning to evening on just a slice of bread,and how they manage all their assignments that have zero relevance in their life but who doesn’t need grades obviously. Make a shift and go check out their hostel life. Living with strangers is not easy dude and if they don’t match your energy,Hell.And if they do,Well,You prayed well I guess.Tell me about your prayers,ok? Now the rules of warden are very serious and they are the only barrier between you and your travel trip.Are you Calling your parents at every minor inconvenience?No?Oh,Don’t you worry.Your warden will fill the space and do the job diligently. The triggers and threats were less I feel,that they now have a whole rulebook to follow while staying in the campus.With zero facilities and hundred restrictions,You would rather sit at home and listen to your mom’s taunts and face dad’s reality check than let them poke their long noses in your life.People are vamps here and you gotta champ them out because that’s the only way out here.Because bullying is easy but fighting and growing requires hell lot of courage.And that’s what actually makes you worthy.Best of luck.More on college and hostel life later.
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