Things do not feel so bad until done to us. Words do not sting until heard for our own self. The same way, it does not hurt us the same way as it does to others who are inflicted upon. Life is unfair for all or in plain terms, the struggles and experience vary and thus, the perspective is different. And even though someone says they understand you and your situation, it is just a consolation they make to make you feel better. It is easier said than done to put oneself in someone else’s shoes. The story is different and the mindset too. How can somebody actually understand?
The problem of this consolation is not very prominent and harmful. It is a behaviour that a normal, kind human would show. And it is important to make people comfortable and not let them stay hopeless. The issue is when in a normal conversation, something is said targeted to someone and others enjoy the show. The game is great when the roasts are good and they just talk about something weird about them. But comparing them to the shit activities might sound fun to others only, because personally nobody can understand that. Some things require more than self awareness. Because, otherwise things would start going downhill, when we do not learn and do not understand. Things prick when we are stinged. And when it is shrouded in the blanket of roast, we may think it does not hurt, but nobody told us about the other. And we never even tried until the targets were changed and the guns fired the bullet in our direction.
It is funny how hurtful things count for us but not for others. Isn’t this the height of hypocrisy of the homo sapiens. The humans were gifted with brains and surely they have used its chunk to twist, modify and form rules as per the situation. A major part of our brain is under the impression that they are the rule breakers and rule formers. The human mind is deceptive and it does all different things in the universe to make you feel like you are the king. It is important to igrone this feeling. Because the paths it shall take shall not be blissful. In fact the period of revolt is here. We must get ready for not staying calm and voicing out when someone goes wrong. It is significant that we express our true desires there. It gets imporant when it is about leading an event and a certain someone can break the bonds in their sense of humour. Because somewhere out there, there might be someone who might just suppresed for real. It is moments of these slips we are tested. Let us not fail the task provided by nature.
Until next time!
Signing off