Did you get stuck amidst the college rivalry? Finding it hard to find your own OG gang? Well, let me tell you these little trifles are nothing more than a headache. I would be calling it a pseudo one but I guess that would hurt the sentiments of many people. So without taking any sin upon my name, I would just like to suggest that these things do not need to be given your attention. College Rivalry that generates from clashes in ideologies of different regions is a power struggle war to move around as the absolute beast. And it takes one nowhere to be honest. I mean just think about it. The world where we keep promoting togetherness and quoting unity, why would someone want to establish themselves at a place. And that too when the place is their temporary dwelling. In all these hunger games, the things that are required the most are greed and suppression. There is surely some kind of superior feeling in this which I am truly unaware of. In my opinion, these do not stem from your upbringing only, they can sprout up from anything to everything. The helpless people are the ones who need support the most and that’s why we see groups here and there.
Ever seen a lion in a herd? I am pretty sure, No. It knows that it is sufficient and does not need a bunch to move for strength. The world has seen enough examples that prove Groups are required only to those who feel inadequate alone or think they cannot do something alone. The start of all this boils down to building groups when you could actually build yourself. The college life we so longingly wait for, is given away at the cost of friendships. And mind you, these friends and these relations cannot hold your hands in all the storms you face. I am not saying all bonds are like this but the basic barter system begins here. You give some and you take some. Give and take is the rule of the world. And it is hard to find your own gang who do not have a selfish motive being with you.
The college I study in has not been involved in bad blood in this rivalry. But the way my cousins have expressed this genuinely arose a concern for me. Outsiders from other states are considered inferior and the so called interior are the ones to pick up a fight. It gets worse when their motto is not just suppression but also letting all others go to a corner and asking people to choose either side. The hot young blood of youth. For God’s sake it’s all a massive shitty idea to try to knock some sense even. Because the way they deal with things and view people as nothing more than showpieces already tells their mentality.
The small article that says about rules and negotiations of Groupism is here,
https://www.youngisthan.in/education-career/how-to-avoid-groupism-in-college/3882 .
It is good to be in a group where you can hangout. It’s actually fine when you can talk and just be. What is the need to include an angle of Racism here? Aren’t we countrymen? Are we not citizens of India?
Well for a lot of people, the answer is Yes.
But these beautiful humanism and nationalism quotes shamelessly go down the drain when we stand in the courtroom. The rules are changed. The judges differ in opinion. And most importantly the perspective changes. It is as if the whole system is dipped in a serum of hypocrisy and they are not even aware.
The disease of Groupism does not slack off. It gets carried ahead to workplaces and people are just not able to leave it behind. And all it does is bring a sense of fun for the people mocking others and a sheer phase of distress of the others on the opposite side. Another reference piece in regards to this is https://www.educba.com/break-groupism-in-organisations/
For further more topics to read or wish for an inclination from my lens, reach out to me at soovlogss@gmail.com
Until next time!
Signing off