lifeWhat are lessons from others’ life important?
Life lessons from others are classes for living well in this world. Take your chance at it. Life is not very forgiving. Take your chance and live well.

How often have you forgiven someone you have hated? Well, forgiving is never an easy option. The hard way always seems fine, but only in the beginning. After carrying the loads on our shoulders for years without any specific reason to punish ourselves, we realize that it was not that important. Why are humans so concerned with learning everything only after they experience it in person? Why are humans not ready to embrace the lessons taught by others? It is surely a tale, a long tale.
Hello people! Are you all doing well? I hope you are. Back with another bang of thoughts, I am here in your feed. Do you know I had a boyfriend seven years earlier? Oh, I am sorry. How would you? So let me tell you a story. The person I liked was a great friend of mine and after quite a while in the friendship, after a long session of study and gossip and after a short while of knowing the internal family, we plunged into this. It was new, so it was thrilling. But a rough patch. Things ended soon because when too much pressure and rules are applied, a person cannot thrive. They wither. I was a chubby and chirpy girl, a friendly human and an understanding girl. But we did not get along well. We could not basically owing to the new set of rules he would define for me being a girl. And obviously after a certain point of time, I had given up on him. Because losing myself was not in my book. I could not lose myself. Or should I have for him, for his love?
Okay, come back. Long story short is the girl felt suffocated and could not really pinpoint it because she was naive. She thought it was love, when actually it was not more than an infatuation. Did you get tears? Because the way she suffered in that short term relationship was also too much and on top of it, she was quite young. But you know what, we do too many things in life for people we love. Even if it hurts us. And it extends to the point it sometimes breaks us. Her family had always warned her of these distractions but the heart is quite fond of making mistakes. And so, she was drowned in depression and did not quite understand what robbed her of her innocence and what her mistake was. Probably being innocent and naive was a mistake. Or probably not sharing her life details was. Or it could be trusting some other person more than herself. Or it could be not putting a proper front to the battles she faced.
What do you think? Any comments, please drop down in the comments.
But the major plot here is that after all this supposedly seemed over, it was actually not. It took her a lifetime to get over it. She tried to forget him so things could get normal. But it was not the divine’s wish. She tried to talk about it, but who would lend her the ears? She made friends who could laugh with her but who cried with her? No one. She thought laughter could ease her, but temporary reliefs are no solution. Thus, she became the one she needed, she became the medicine she was in dire need of. She became the music that could soothe her. She became the friend who could listen to her. She became the family who could stand by her. She became the prayers that she prayed for.
Because who will fight your battle in the end? No one will come to your rescue Princess. She was a queen and she knew it after knowing and going through it. It took a long time to get to the verge of this massive growth, but she made it. Out of desperation. Out of a battle cry. Out of sheer dedication to herself.
The first steps involved forgiving herself and that boy. Tender ages commit huge crimes. But to protect oneself, the first step is to forgive them. Because the baggage you carry is not yours to take care of. Let them down. Let them release your shoulders so you can carry responsibilities and opportunities on them. What do you desire? A burdened shoulder and a bent body or a carefree and strong shoulder in a high spirited body? I am sure the second one shall be the choice for most of you. So, take the chance. Run away from things that haunt you. Save yourself before you become the damsel in distress. Save yourself before your soul gets scarred. Build yourself and rest things shall follow. Choose the place that matches your vibe. Stay in the place that values you and reciprocates your energy. You are a darling. You have all the right to be loved and to love. Just try loving a better person. A gentleman or a gentlelady.
And yes, the story was for you all to take notes. Not for enjoying the tale of transition from princess to rag to queen. Life is a long journey. Learn from other’s mistakes and create new revolutions.
From a storyteller,
Until next time!
Signing off