What are the lessons taught by father?
The reality checks and hard hitting life lessons are firstly brought to us by our father only. And no matter how you and I may argue upon this bad habit, it is the best thing he does after all.

Ever came across a simple reality check of one rupee? I am from India and every single rupee counts. My father is an avid realist who loves to drop bombs in my life in the disguise of life lessons and realities? But the bombs are actually needed to be aware of before they bring my home down. He calls me a spoiled brat or the brat of a rich dad. And that I live my life lavishly and eat well because it is my father’s restaurant. He isn’t wrong. Because he is the breadwinner.
Hello people! My equation with my father is a little too weird to comprehend and a little over the top because we both are so similar in our natures. The stubbornness, the awkwardness, the pride, the habits, the anger issues, the outlooks, so many to say. But still, we are different too. The clashes that result from the age gap and different environments of growth have so much spark that people consider us besties and also rivals. It seems so obnoxious to me at times that I am fighting with my father, my dad. But since he doesn’t stop, I get in no mood to end it either. It is this way we have always been. And if it gets any different from this, It could upset me for real. Time flies quickly. Or it is safe to say that we do not realize that time is moving every second we just breathe by. My father has lent me so much in the form of knowledge, traditional culture and heritage that every day goes incomplete without his presence. He is the force that keeps me going, though he is also the one to put a brake on. Never mind though. My Dad may not be the best father in the world but he is the best for me. He is a decent and generous man who has taught me life itself. The reality that does not waver me so much is a gift due to him. Strong fathers and strong men in our life make strong daughters. I am glad the way it has turned out be.
Being the daughter of my strict father, things did not come down easily to me. A daughter has a preference but I never used that advantage to corner him. He was already the best. Why would I ask him to be better? So the rich father of mine could speak to me in Hindi and vernacular languages, but the language he chose was facts. Absolute and unforgiving. Seems to me like he knew everything I would face. He and his ideologies are strict and difficult to follow but they have never disappointed me. The way they have sheltered me is literally out of the box. His one common statement was, ”You do not value money because it is not yours. I will see when you earn, if you get so carefree with your finances. It is my money and right now you are dining in your father’s hotel.” I was aware of the message he wanted to convey but could never really relate to it completely, until I got my first stipend. The amount was not big, but it was enough to make me realize that the money I have spent so casually up till then was legit earned through blood and sweat. Some things are understood late. But that’s how life is.
After the stipend, I bought a few things that I wanted and realized that money surely has eight legs. It finds its course. And before you and I are aware of it, it has already made an exit. Funny, isn’t it? It is not, trust me. I went to get a plain white sheet and was charged even for that. Wonder how life would have been and how many pennies we have already had down the drain owing to the unusual demands we have made to our parents. Feel it. It won’t be the same.
From the girl who is transitioning from a parents’ princess to a responsible daughter, soovlogss@gmail.com
Until next time!
Signing off