After traumatising myself for the past mistakes of being naive and ultimately stupid, the sudden pang of realisation is that Knowledge should be there and no matter what, communication with someone who we can trust is important. I mean I am talking from my personal experience that being innocent does not protect your heart. So it’s really good if the head has all the tricks up its sleeves. Who would want a heartbreak anyway? And these experiences become prone once someone steps out of their home. Either for studies or job or any other thing that requires the venture alone. Because it is only in moments like these when vulnerability peels its layers and starts showing up its true effects. Because staying at home has dodged tons of bullets from us through our parents and family. They are not to be blamed for this as it is their love and care for their people. But the results are a little catastrophic. While the issues and concerns are legit thrown towards other directions, there are times when the child does not even know of any such incident. And to be true, it hampers. It creates a problem in the long run when he faces the world alone and in battles which are entirely new and without any support. Sounds weird that an adult of 20 years old might be struggling but the reality is that he has not had an experience of it. He has just known and I guess it goes without saying that Knowing and Implementing are two different zones. These are even colossal when we face the issues head on.
Had it been with parents or had we been involved well, we would get another perspective if not a grasp of the whole ordeal. And these things come handy without doubt. Future can take references from the past but the past must have something in its context. Anything that can possess some information is better than nothing at all. And amidst all this, the secret ingredient to being calm is sharing. While it is not much focussed upon, it is important that one communicates to someone about their daily activities and they must inform about themselves at home or someone who they rely on. I agree that when someone steps out, the major thought that eats up is to not disturb our parents with the changes and the troubles faced. But they must know your state. It does two things. First, you get to share and feel a little good about it. Second, it allows parents to stay connected. Their connection is important as they are the only people in the whole wide world who cannot wish for their child’s bad. Sharing with them also gives us the courage to get things right for ourselves and we get to learn about perspectives too. Our parents have had different lives and experiences than us. And if we do not leverage them to learn something, what have we known about their lives and how they ran away from schools, that does not allow them to move out even now.
Reach out to me at soovlogss@gmail.com
Until next time!
Signing off